What’s Sunday Like

You might be totally new to church or have been to more services than you can think of! Either way here’s what you can expect to see every week here at Gospel Church.


Our church gathers to sing songs to our great God. These are songs which rich history, rich meaning, and saturated in the Word of God. We want these songs to get you through tough times, be the words you think of when you are full of thanks to God, and the words you ponder as you sleep at night.

God has designed music to shape us. That’s why we place such a high emphasis on it. Songs that are deep and not shallow, rich and not poor, costly and not cheap. Our hope is that the music is warming to your soul. Expect to sing old and new: hymns, psalms, and contemporary songs with depth.


Our church doesn’t primarily gather for friendship or song, but to hear from God. We believe that God has communicated Himself to us in His Word: the Bible. We don’t rely on human wisdom or insight, but on the solid foundation of the Word of God.

God has spoken to us through His son Jesus. We gather each week to see Jesus revealed in every page of Scripture. We come expectant to hear the Gospel, a message we never graduate from, because all of Scripture ultimately tells the story of one Person, Jesus Christ.

No self-help, no moralism, no trying-harder-so-God-will-love-you, we teach only the grace of God which is powerful to change even the hardest of hearts. Come have a listen.


Our church gathers together as a family for worship, no matter what age. No matter whether you are a toddler, high school student, or from the local retirement home, we believe that church is a body together.

God has called us all to be His redeemed people. You won’t find a traditional service in the morning for the old folk, or an evening service for the young adults. We all gather together as one because Christ is not divided and we are His body. So bring your kids, no matter how noisy, and worship with us as a family.

You're Invited!

You don’t need to clean up your life, put on your Sunday best, or even
have a Bible.

Come as you are and you’ll be most welcome.

Gate 1
Kurri Kurri High School
Deakin Street, Kurri Kurri
NSW, 2327

Every Sunday
10am – 12pm

(+61) 0404 352 498